Fig. 4.
Motif-enrichment analyses of SRMS-dependent upregulated phosphopeptides. a Motif-logos showing the significantly enriched motifs (p-value <10E-06) identified by Motif-x [30]. The positions of the amino acid residues C-terminal or N-terminal to the central phosphoresidue (position “0”) are shown in the logos. The height of the amino acid residues is proportional to their enrichment at the specific position in the pool of the queried phosphopeptides. b Table representing the scoring information relevant to the enriched motifs identified by Motif-x. c A consolidated motif-logo generated by PHOSIDA [31] showing the enrichment of various amino-acid residues at specific positions relative to the central phosphoresidue (position “0”). d Dendogram of the human kinome, constructed by KinMap [69], highlighting the candidate kinases predicted to target the upregulated phosphopeptides, as identified by NetworKIN [42] analysis. Node size is proportional to the number of the queried phosphosites targeted by the kinase. CK2 (node highlighted in yellow) was identified as the upstream kinase for the maximum number of queried phosphosites. Major kinase families are annotated in the dendogram which include: TK (Tyrosine Kinases), TKL (Tyrosine Kinase-Like), STE (Sterile kinases; homologs of the yeast STE7, STE11 and STE20 kinases), CK1 (Casein Kinase 1), AGC (comprising Protein kinase A/ PKA, PKG and PKC kinase sub-families), CAMK (Calcium/Calmodulin-dependent kinases) and CMGC (comprising cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) and CDC-like kinase (CLK))