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. 2018 Aug 5;2018:1049641. doi: 10.1155/2018/1049641

Table 2.

Researches on the use of stem cells in the regeneration of hair follicles.

Authors Research object Indication Methods of obtaining Results Comments
Usage of hair follicle stem cell
Agabalyan et al., 2016 [56] Sprague Dawley rats/nude mice Nude mice genetically mutated Bioreactors and static cell cultures with bFGF, PGF Inducing de novo HF formation, reconstituting the DP and connective tissue sheath Compared with static culture, stirred suspension bioreactors were significantly reduced, but they can generate larger numbers of autologous DSCs, maintaining their regenerative function
Nilforoushzadeh et al., 2016 [59] Human/mice Nude mice genetically mutated Human scalp biopsy, isolation of only papilla cells which were cultured and injected into nude mice Evidence of hair growth in mice received epithelial and DP cells The combination of human cultured DP and epithelial cells could induce HF in nude mice
Elmaadawi et al., 2018 [21] Human Alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia Autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells compared to follicular stems cells (skin punch biopsy from unaffected areas) Good clinical improvement in both diseases Nonstatistically significant difference between the source of cells
Gentile et al., 2017 [5] Human Androgenetic alopecia Biopsies were collected and disaggregated by Rigeneracons without culture condition, then injected to the frontal scalp A 29% ± 5% increase in hair density for the treated area and less than 1% in hair density for the placebo area No culture required, quick time of surgery (about 60 min)
Kalabusheva et al., 2017 [120] Human In vitro study Human DP cells and skin epidermal keratinocytes in a hanging drop culture to develop an artificial HF germ Aggrecan, biglycan, fibronectin, and hyaluronic acid significantly stimulated cell proliferation in a DP cell monolayer culture without any effect on DP cell identity Most of the ECM compounds prevented the formation of cell aggregates while hyaluronic acid promoted the formation of larger organoids
Hoffman et al., 2018 [121] Human/mice In vitro study Hair follicle-associated-pluripotent stem cells from human scalp skin and transgenic mice with nestin-driven GFP Intensive hair growth was observed in the pieces of shaved mouse skin histocultured on Gelfoam Model for chemotherapy-induced alopecia (observing a doxorubicin effect)

Usage of adipose-derived stem cells
Park et al., 2010 [74] Human/mice C (3)H/NeH nude mice ADSCs in a conditioned medium injected subcutaneously induced the anagen phase from telogen and increased hair regeneration in nude mice ADSCs in a conditioned medium increased the proliferation of human DP and human epithelial keratinocytes; the effect of hypoxia on ADSC function increased hair regrowth The secretion of IGFBP, M-CSF receptor, PGF, and VEGF was significantly increased by hypoxia, while the secretion of EGF production was decreased
Zanzoterra et al., 2014 [78] Human Androgenic alopecia Injection of ADSCs and growth factors After 2 weeks, the healing of microwounds was complete and HF continued growing Rigenera system for the automated mechanical disaggregation of cell population
Sabapathy et al., 2016 [82] Rats In vitro study ADSCs isolated from rats were cocultured with DP spheres A core-shell structure, outer ASCs shell, and an inner DP core exhibited superior potential to HF formation compared to a mixed sphere of ADSCs with DP cells PPARα signal in ADSCs can induce the hair formation
Yang et al., 2016 [69] Human/mice C57BL/6 nude mice Cocultured human ADSCs with LL-37 was topically applied daily on the mouse skin The conditioned medium of ADSCs preactivated with LL-37 strongly promoted hair growth in vivo LL-37 treatment significantly increased EGR-1 expression
Anderi et al., 2018 [122] Human Alopecia areata Lipoaspiration, autologous ADSCs were injected into the scalp of the patient (4–4.7 × 106 cells) Increased hair growth and decreased pull test, 3 and 6 months after ADSCs Significant variation was observed between men and women only for hair diameter, no differences with age

Usage of Wharton's jelly and embryo stem cells
Yoo et al., 2010 [88] Human In vitro study Cultivated umbilical stem cells with EGF, HGF, and NGF Formation of aggregates similar to native DP in special media and reconstructed dermal papilla-like tissues HGF is necessary in the differentiation step
Yoo et al., 2010 [89] Human/mice Athymic nude mice genetically mutated Isolated and cultivated stem cells from bone marrow and umbilical cord, after obtaining a DP-forming medium, injected in skin of nude mice Effect of inducing new HF in mice within 45 days
Wu et al., 2012 [90] Human embryo MSCs/mice Nude mice genetically mutated Three cultures: DP cells cocultured with hMSCs; DP cells cocultured with fibroblasts; hMSCs cultured single, next injected into skin of mice In fibroblast injection to mice, no HF was found The expression in vivo of HLA-I was confined to DP of the newly grown hair, and the survival time of hMSCs in mice is 1 month

ADSCs: adipose-derived stem cells; DP: dermal papilla; DSCs: dermal stem cells; EGF: epidermal growth factor; bFGF: basic fibroblast growth factor; HF: hair follicle; HGF: hepatocyte growth factor; HLA-I: human leucocyte antigen class I; hMSCs: human mesenchymal stem cells; IGFBP: insulin-like growth factor-binding protein; M-CSF: macrophage colony-stimulating factor; NGF: nerve growth factor; PGF: platelet-derived growth factor; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor.