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. 2018 Aug 16;6:e5479. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5479

Table 1. Risk factor analysis for extrapulmonary vs. pulmonary NTM infection.

Risk factors Disease types Crude analysis Adjusted analysis
Pulmonary (n = 36) Extra pulmonary (n = 114) Crude OR 95% Cl p-Value Adjusted OR 95% Cl p-Value
≥50 25 (69.44) 57 (50) 0.44 0.198–0.978 0.041 0.75 0.171–3.295 0.703
<50 11 (30.56) 57 (50) 1
Male 16 (44.44) 53 (46.49) 1.086 0.511–2.307 0.83 1.436 0.61–3.385 0.408
Female 20 (55.56) 61 (53.51) 1
<25 25 (89.29) 66 (78.57) 0.44 0.119–1.624 0.208 0.286 0.067–1.217 0.09
≥25 3 (10.71) 18 (21.43) 1
Yes 1 (2.78) 54 (47.37) 31.5 4.172–237.809 <0.001 20.749 2.704–159.235 0.004
No 35 (97.22) 62 (54.39) 1
Yes 3 (8.33) 14 (12.28) 1.54 0.417–5.694 0.764 1.59 0.37–6.837 0.533
No 33 (91.67) 100 (87.72) 1
Cutaneous lesionsb
Yes 0 (0) 25 (21.93) NA NA 0.002 NA NA 0.998
No 36 (100) 89 (78.07) 1
Kidney disease
Yes 2 (5.56) 21 (18.42) 3.839 0.854–17.249 0.062 4.729 0.973–22.987 0.054
No 34 (94.44) 93 (81.58) 1
Yes 2 (5.56) 16 (14.04) 2.776 0.607–12.701 0.243 1.888 0.355–10.058 0.456
No 34 (94.44) 98 (85.96) 1


p-Value with bold fonts refer to statistically significant p-value.


Some data were missing.


Cutaneous lesions comprised of Sweet’s disease, eczema and erythema nodusum. Adjusted analysis was adjusted with the three most significant factors (anti-IFN-γ, cutaneous lesions and age). Odds ratios (ORs) compared extrapulmonary infections (numerator) to pulmonary infections (denominator).