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. 2018 Aug 5;20(4):559–563. doi: 10.22074/cellj.2019.5540


Distribution of TLR-2 del -196-174 variant genotypes

TLR-2 del -196-174 polymorphism Patient Control P value
n=100 n=98
n (%) n (%)

II 74 (74%) 94 (95.9%)* 0.001
DD 12 (12%)** 1 (1%) 0.003
ID 14 (14%)*** 3 (3.1%) 0.009
I 162 (81%) 191 (95.5%)** 0.003
D 38 (19%)* 5 (4.5%) 0.001

DD; deletion/deletion genotype, ID; Insertion/deletion genotype, D; Deletion allele, I; Insertion allele, II; Insertion/insertion genotype, *; P=0.001, **; P=0.003, and ***; P=0.009.