Figure 10.
Mean N d estimated using the 3.7‐μm r e and τ c for (a) Optimal Retrieval for Aerosol and Cloud (ORAC) retrieval applied to Advanced Along‐Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) observations, (b) the Collection 5.1 MODerate Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data (based on GW14), and (c) the Collection 6 MODIS data (based on BR17) using 3 months spanning June, July, and August 2008. Differences between (d) AATSR‐ORAC and MODIS Collection 5.1, (e) 3.7 and 2.1‐μm retrievals for MODIS Collection 5.1, and (f) MODIS Collection 6 and 5.1 differences are shown for the same period. N d data are aggregated to daily temporal and 1×1° horizontal resolutions. Data from individual swaths at 1×1° resolution that has SZA > 65° and a cloud top height less than 3.2 km are excluded from the analysis for the C5 and AATSR data but are not excluded for the C6 data. Only pixels with more than 5 days of valid data for both instruments are shown. CDNC = cloud droplet number concentration.