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. 2018 May 20;23(5):1226. doi: 10.3390/molecules23051226

Table 2.

Observational studies on association of vitamin and provitamins A with periodontal disease.

Study Type Sample Sex; Age; N Dietary Intake Assessment Nutritional Status Assessment Periodontal Status Analysis Results (p-Value) Main Results/Conclusions Ref
CS Dental clinic patients (USA) Both; N.A.; N = 80 Dietary intakes of vitamin A by 24-h recall (N = 56) Serum levels of vitamin A RPI N.S. (mult. linear reg with R2 improvement) No associations [36]
CS Ethnic group subjects (Sri Lanka) Both; ≥13 y; N = 7944 - Vitamin A deficiency determined by clinical symptoms RPI N.S. (mult. linear reg.) No association [39]
CS NHANES III participants (USA) Both; ≥20 y; N = 11,480 - Serum levels of α-carotene (quintiles) Mild periodontitis 3 OR 1 = 0.60 (95%CI: 0.46–0.77); p = 0.0009 for trend (mult. logistic reg.) in non-restricted model Negative association of β-& α-carotene, & β-Cryptoxanthin with mild periodontitis; & of β-carotene & vitamin A with severe periodontitis [38]
N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) in model restricted to never-smokers
Severe periodontitis 4 N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) in both models
Serum levels of β-carotene (quintiles) Mild periodontitis 3 OR 1 = 0.80 (95%CI: 0.65, 0.98); p = 0.0001 for trend (mult. logistic reg.) in non-restricted model
OR 1 = 0.99 (95%CI: 0.73–1.35); p = 0.044 for trend (mult. logistic reg.) in model restricted to never-smokers
Severe periodontitis 4 OR 1 = 0.65 (95%CI: 0.46–0.93); p = 0.001 (mult. logistic reg.) in non-restricted model
N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) in model restricted to never-smokers
Serum levels of β-cryptoxanthin (quintiles) Mild periodontitis 3 OR 2 = 0.74 (95%CI: 0.61–0.89) p = 0.03 for trend (mult. logistic reg.) in non-restricted model
N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) in model restricted to never-smokers
Severe periodontitis 4 N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) in both models
Serum levels of vitamin A (quintiles) Mild periodontitis 3 N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) in both models
Severe periodontitis 4 OR 1 = 0.77 (95%CI: 0.58–1.03) p = 0.049 for trend (mult. logistic reg.) in non-restricted model
N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) in model restricted to never-smokers
CS Participants in PRIME (Northern Ireland) Male; 60–70 y; N = 1258 - Serum levels of retinol (quintiles) Low-threshold periodontitis 5 OR 2 = 1.64 (95%CI: 1.07–2.51); p = 0.008 for trend (mult. logistic reg.) Negative association of serum levels of β-carotene & β-cryptoxanthin at both tresholds, & also of α-carotene only at low-threshold [42]
High-threshold periodontitis 6 N.S. (mult. logistic reg.)
Serum levels of α-carotene (quintiles) Low-threshold periodontitis 5 OR 2 = 1.81 (95%CI: 1.17–2.82); p < 0.001 for trend (mult. logistic reg.)
High-threshold periodontitis 6 N.S. (mult. logistic reg.)
Serum levels of β-carotene (quintiles) Low-thresholdperiodontitis 5 OR 2 = 1.83 (95%CI: 1.19–2.80); p < 0.001 for trend (mult. logistic reg.)
High-threshold periodontitis 6 OR 2 = 1.87 (95%CI: 0.86–4.06); p = 0.01 for trend (mult. logistic reg.)
Serum levels of β-cryptoxanthin (quintiles) Low-threshold periodontitis 5 OR 2 = 1.50; 95%CI: 0.99–2.27); p = 0.02 for trend (mult. logistic reg.)
High-threshold periodontitis 6 OR 2 = 4.02 (95%CI: 1.61–9.99); p = 0.001 for trend (mult. logistic reg.)
CC Non-smokers adolescents (Italy) Female; 17–19 y; N = 54 Dietary intake of vitamin A by 3-d record - Gingivitis affected 7 vs. non-affected N.S. differences between groups (Student t test) No association [37]
Dietary intake marginal deficiency (<1/3 RDA) of vitamin A by 3-d record N.S. (X2 test with Yates correction)
RC (2 y) Niigata study participants (Japan) Both; 75 y; N = 334 Dietary intakes of α-carotene (tertiles) by BDHQ - No. of teeth with periodontal disease progression 8 N.S. (mult. logistic reg.) Negative association with β-carotene intake [41]
Dietary intakes of β-carotene (tertiles) by BDHQ IRR 1 = 0.73 (95%CI: 0.56–0.95); p < 0.05 for trend (mult. logistic reg.)

1 values compared highest vs. lowest percentile, 2 values compared lowest t vs. highest percentile, 3 at least 1 site with CAL ≥4 mm & PPD ≥4 mm, 4 ≥2 mesiobuccal sites with CAL ≥5 mm & 1 mesiobuccal sites with PPD ≥4 mm, 5 at least 2 teeth with non-contiguous inter-proximal sites with CAL ≥6 mm & 1 PPD of ≥5 mm, 6 ≥15% of all sites measured CAL ≥6 mm & there was at least one site with PPD ≥6 mm, 7 ≥1 site with BOP, 8 CAL ≥ 3 mm in ≥1 site. Abbreviations: 95%CI: 95% confidence interval, BDHQ: brief diet-history questionnaire, BOP: Bleeding on probing; C: Cohort study, CAL: Clinical attachment loss, CPI: Community periodontal index; CS: Cross-sectional study; d: days, h: hours, IRR: incidence rate ratio, mult.: multiple, N: sample size, N.S.: not significant, NHANES III: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, OR: Odds ratio, PRIME: Prospective Epidemiological Study of Myocardial Infarction, PPD: periodontal pocket depth, RC: retrospective cohort study, RDA: recommended dietary amount, Ref: reference, reg.: regression, RPI: Russell’s Periodontal Index, SD: Standard deviation; US: United states, vs.: versus, y: years.