Apiales |
Apiaceae |
Centella asiatica
Wound healing, mucus production, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory |
[30,31] |
Asterales |
Asteraceae |
Baccharis dracunculifolia
Wound healing, antioxidant, mucus production |
[32,33] |
Baccharis trimera
Wound healing, anti-secretory, antioxidant |
[34,35,36] |
Hieracium gymnocephalum
Wound healing, anti-inflammatory |
[37] |
Tanacetum larvatum
Wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant |
[38] |
Vernonia condensata
Wound healing, inhibition of gastric secretion, antioxidant, mucus production, cytoprotective |
[39,40] |
Solidago chilensis
Wound healing, antioxidant, anti-secretory, mucus production |
[41,42] |
Boraginales |
Boraginaceae |
Cordia dichotoma
Wound healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory |
[43] |
Brassicales |
Capparaceae |
Capparis zeylanica
Wound healing |
[44] |
Moringaceae |
Moringa oleifera
Wound healing, serotonin release, anti-secretory, cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory |
[45,46,47] |
Salvadoraceae |
Salvadora indica
Wound healing, cytoprotective |
[48] |
Celastrales |
Celastraceae |
Maytenus robusta
Wound healing, mucus production, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-secretory |
[27,28,49,50] |
Cucurbitales |
Cucurbitaceae |
Momordica cymbalaria
Wound healing, anti-secretory |
[51] |
Mukia maderaspatana
Wound healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, mucus production |
[52] |
Cyatheales |
Cibotiaceae |
Cibotium barometz
Wound healing, antioxidant, HSP70 up-regulation, Bax protein down-regulation, mucus production |
[53,54] |
Cyperales |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus rotundus
Wound healing, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory |
[55,56] |
Fabales |
Caesalpinieae |
Caesalpinia sappan
Wound healing, antioxidant, cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory |
[57] |
Fabaceae |
Archidendron jiringa
Wound healing, mucus production, antioxidant |
[58] |
Alhagi maurorum
Antioxidant, antiapoptotic |
[59] |
Cassia sieberiana
Wound healing, cytoprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory |
[60,61] |
Parkia speciosa
Wound healing, mucus production, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, HSP70 up-regulation, Bax protein down-regulation |
[62] |
Tamarindus indica
Wound healing, anti-secretory |
[63] |
Gentianales |
Rubiaceae |
Morinda citrifolia
Wound healing, anti-secretory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory |
[64] |
Lamiales |
Bignoniaceae |
Kigelia africana
Wound healing, antioxidant |
[65] |
Boraginaceae |
Cordia verbenacea
Wound healing, antioxidant, cytoprotective |
[66] |
Acanthaceae |
Barleria lupulina
Anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-secretory |
[67,68] |
Eremomastax speciosa
Wound healing, anti-secretory, mucus production, antioxidant, cytoprotective |
[69,70,71] |
Lamiaceae |
Calamintha officinalis
Wound healing, antioxidant |
[72] |
Hyptis suaveolens
Wound healing, cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory |
[73,74] |
Tectona grandis
Wound healing, inhibition of gastric secretion |
[75,76] |
Magnoliales |
Myristicaceae |
Myristica malabarica
Wound healing, anti-inflammatory, angiogenesis, cytoprotective |
[77,78,79,80] |
Magnoliopsida |
Talinaceae |
Talinum portulacifolium
Wound healing, anti-secretory |
[81] |
Malpighiales |
Calophyllaceae |
Mammea americana
Wound healing, anti-secretory |
[82] |
Hypericaceae |
Cratoxylum arborescens
Wound healing, anti-H. pylori, anti-secretory, mucus production, antioxidant, antiapoptotic, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective |
[83,84] |
Myrtales |
Combretaceae |
Terminalia arjuna
Wound healing, anti-H. pylori, anti-secretory |
[85,86] |
Terminalia belerica
Wound healing, anti-secretory, mucus production |
[87] |
Terminalia catappa
Wound healing, anti-H. pylori, mucus production, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective |
[88] |
Terminalia chebula
Wound healing, anti-secretory, cytoprotective |
[89,90] |
Terminalia coriacea
Wound healing, anti-secretory, mucus production, antioxidant |
[91] |
Terminalia fagifolia
Wound healing, anti-secretory, antioxidant |
[92] |
Papaverales |
Papaveraceae |
Argemone mexicana
Wound healing |
[93] |
Piperales |
Piperaceae |
Piper betle
Wound healing, antioxidant, mucus production, anti-inflammatory |
[94,95,96,97,98] |
Rosales |
Moraceae |
Ficus religiosa
Wound healing, inhibition of gastric secretion |
[99] |
Santalales |
Rhamnaceae |
Scutia buxifolia
Wound healing, antioxidant |
[29] |
Ziziphus jujuba
Anti-H. pylori, mucus production, antioxidant |
[2] |
Urticaceae |
Cecropia glaziovii
Wound healing, anti-secretory |
[100] |
Santalaceae |
Osyris quadripartita
Wound healing |
[101] |
Sapindales |
Anacardiaceae |
Anacardium occidentale
Wound healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective |
[102,103,104,105] |
Anacardium humile
Wound healing, mucus production, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective |
[106,107] |
Meliaceae |
Spondias mombin
Wound healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, inhibition of gastric secretion |
[108,109] |
Toona ciliata
Wound healing, anti-secretory, cytoprotective |
[110] |
Saxifragales |
Crassulaceae |
Bryophyllum pinnatum
Wound healing, anti-inflammatory |
[111,112] |
Zingiberales |
Zingiberaceae |
Aframomum pruinosum
Wound healing, anti-H. pylori, mucus production, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective |
[113] |