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. 2018 Jun 6;23(6):1372. doi: 10.3390/molecules23061372

Table 3.

Pearson test correlation coefficients (r) among the oenological parameters of Pinot meunier grape juices and base wines (p < 0.05).

Parameters Grape Juices Base wines
pH TA (g/L H₂SO₄) MA (g/L) TartA (g/L) Sugars (g/L) PAC (% v/v) Grape berry MD K+ (mg/L) Ca++ (mg/L) YAN (mg/L) NH4+ (mg/L) α-NH2 (mg/L) pH TA (g/L H₂SO₄) MA (g/L) TartA (g/L) K+ (mg/L) Ca++ (mg/L) α-NH2 (mg/L) Prot Content (mg/L eq. BSA) Prot Content (mg/L eq. 50 kDa marker) Foamability (mm)
Grape juices pH 1
TA (g/L H₂SO₄) −0.995 1 r > 0.95 : significant positive correlation r < −0.95 : significant negative correlation
MA (g/L) −0.997 0.984 1 0.95 > r > 0.80 : high positive correlation ‒0.95 < r < −0.80 : high negative correlation
−0.989 0.996
TartA (g/L) −0.132 0.231 0.056 1
−0.176 0.123 0.029
Sugars (g/L) 0.901 −0.853 −0.932 0.311 1
0.942 −0.959 −0.981 0.165
PAC (% v/v) 0.893 −0.844 −0.925 0.327 1.000 1
0.941 −0.958 −0.981 0.167 1.000
Grapeberry MD 0.991 −0.973 −0.998 0.000 0.950 0.945 1
0.984 −0.992 −1.000 0.000 0.986 0.986
K+ (mg/L) 0.523 −0.435 −0.587 0.776 0.841 0.850 0.631 1
0.976 −0.963 −0.933 −0.387 0.846 0.845 0.922
Ca++ (mg/L) −0.890 0.931 0.852 0.569 −0.604 −0.590 −0.822 −0.077 1
−0.956 0.939 0.903 0.457 −0.802 −0.801 −0.890 −0.997
YAN (mg/L) 0.355 −0.259 −0.425 0.880 0.725 0.737 0.475 0.982 0.110 1
0.760 −0.794 −0.847 0.506 0.934 0.935 0.862 0.600 −0.536
NH4+ (mg/L) −0.050 0.151 −0.026 0.997 0.388 0.404 0.082 0.825 0.500 0.916 1
0.518 −0.564 −0.639 0.750 0.776 0.777 0.661 0.320 −0.246 0.950
α−NH2 (mg/L) 0.573 −0.487 −0.634 0.737 0.872 0.880 0.676 0.998 −0.136 0.970 0.790 1
0.849 −0.876 −0.917 0.371 0.977 0.978 0.929 0.713 −0.657 0.989 0.892
Base wines pH 0.893 −0.844 −0.925 0.327 1.000 1.000 0.945 0.850 −0.590 0.737 0.404 0.880 1
0.893 −0.916 −0.949 0.286 0.992 0.993 0.958 0.773 −0.722 0.971 0.848 0.996
TA (g/LH₂SO₄) −1.000 0.994 0.998 0.126 −0.904 −0.896 −0.992 −0.529 0.887 −0.361 0.044 −0.578 −0.896 1
−0.977 0.987 0.998 −0.038 −0.992 −0.992 −0.999 −0.907 0.871 −0.881 −0.690 −0.942 −0.968
MA (g/L) −0.991 0.973 0.998 0.000 −0.950 −0.945 −1.000 −0.631 0.822 −0.475 −0.082 −0.676 −0.945 0.992 1
−0.928 0.947 0.973 −0.203 −0.999 −0.999 −0.979 −0.824 0.778 −0.947 −0.800 −0.985 −0.996 0.986
TartA (g/L) −0.736 0.801 0.682 0.768 −0.370 −0.354 −0.640 0.191 0.964 0.371 0.713 0.133 −0.354 0.732 0.640 1
−0.941 0.921 0.880 0.500 −0.772 −0.770 −0.866 −0.992 0.999 −0.494 −0.197 −0.619 −0.687 0.846 0.746
K+ (mg/L) −0.323 0.417 0.250 0.981 0.120 0.137 −0.195 0.638 0.719 0.770 0.961 0.591 0.137 0.317 0.195 0.878 1
0.850 −0.878 −0.919 0.368 0.978 0.978 0.930 0.715 −0.659 0.988 0.891 1.000 0.996 −0.943 −0.985 −0.621
Ca++ (mg/L) −0.957 0.981 0.932 0.415 −0.736 −0.724 −0.910 −0.253 0.984 −0.067 0.339 −0.309 −0.724 0.955 0.910 0.901 0.584 1
−0.927 0.905 0.861 0.533 −0.747 −0.745 −0.846 −0.986 0.996 −0.460 −0.160 −0.588 −0.658 0.825 0.720 0.999 −0.591
α−NH2 (mg/L) 0.351 −0.255 −0.422 0.882 0.722 0.734 0.471 0.982 0.115 1.000 0.918 0.969 0.734 −0.357 −0.471 0.375 0.773 −0.063 1
0.518 −0.564 −0.639 0.750 0.776 0.777 0.661 0.320 −0.246 0.950 1.000 0.892 0.848 −0.690 −0.800 −0.197 0.891 −0.160
Prot content (mg/Leq.BSA) 0.943 −0.904 −0.966 0.206 0.994 0.992 0.979 0.777 −0.687 0.646 0.286 0.813 0.992 −0.945 −0.979 −0.469 0.011 −0.805 0.643 1
0.930 −0.949 −0.974 0.197 0.999 1.000 0.980 0.828 −0.782 0.945 0.796 0.983 0.996 −0.987 −1.000 −0.751 0.984 −0.725 0.796
Prot content (mg/Leq.50kDamarker) 0.713 −0.638 −0.764 0.601 0.946 0.952 0.799 0.971 −0.314 0.909 0.665 0.983 0.952 −0.717 −0.799 −0.050 0.434 −0.478 0.907 0.906 1
0.893 −0.916 −0.949 0.286 0.992 0.993 0.958 0.773 −0.722 0.971 0.848 0.996 1.000 −0.968 −0.996 −0.687 0.996 −0.658 0.848 0.996
Foamability (mm) −0.120 0.219 0.043 1.000 0.323 0.339 0.013 0.783 0.559 0.886 0.998 0.745 0.339 0.113 −0.013 0.760 0.978 0.403 0.888 0.218 0.611 1
0.523 −0.568 −0.643 0.747 0.779 0.780 0.665 0.324 −0.250 0.951 1.000 0.895 0.851 −0.693 −0.803 −0.202 0.893 −0.164 1.000 0.799 0.851

The correlation coefficients represent PM S1 (above) and PM S2 (below) in each grid. PM: Pinot meunier. S1 and S2: squeeze 1 and squeeze 2.