Sequential freezing of parts of a barley plant
during cooling in a controlled environment chamber showing spread of
ice through the plant, including the first (red arrows) and second
freezing events in a number of leaves (leaves 2–5) and freezing of
roots (black, double-headed arrow), a leaf sheath (s), and secondary
tiller (t). IRVT images are shown in time order from before the plant
began to freeze (a) to when extensive freezing had occurred
(j). k is a visible light image taken when freezing was complete.
Leaves are numbered from the second to the fifth leaf to emerge (the
first leaf was removed before the test). The plant was removed from
soil and placed flat on a cork surface and exposed to subzero cooling.
The stars in a and k mark two pins holding down a strip of plastic that
gently held leaf 3 in contact with ice (indicated by a single-headed
black arrow) to initiate freezing. Black bar (in a) = 1 cm. The
color scale table (bottom right) indicates the temperature scale for
each figure. Leaf 3 froze first and showed two freezing events. The
warming of leaf 3 in b (red arrow) compared with in a indicates
freezing. The leaf then cooled (c–e). It warmed again (f), indicating
a second freezing event, and reached a higher temperature than in the
first freezing event (compare g and h with b), and then cooled again
(i). Roots froze second (red arrow in c). Leaf 2 froze next (red arrow
indicates warming of the leaf in d) and also showed two freezing
events: it cooled (e) and then warmed again (starting in f and
continuing in g and h), finally cooling again. The sheath of leaf 2 (s)
also froze (second freezing event shown in h–j). Leaf 4 froze next,
ice spreading up the leaf (red arrow in f; the second freeze is shown
in g–h and cooling in i) and the last leaf to freeze was leaf 5 (red
arrow in g, cooled in h, second freezing event shown in i). The
secondary tiller froze (red arrow in i; the second freezing event is
shown in j).