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. 2018 Aug 15;10:2663–2673. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S166548

Table 2.

Multivariate logistic regression analysis for identifying independent variables correlating with patient age ≥70 years

Patient characteristic African-American
Asian/Pacific Islander
OR (95% CI) P-value OR (95% CI) P-value OR (95% CI) P-value
Female vs male 1.275 (1.215–1.339) <0.001 1.332 (1.308–1.357) <0.001 1.165 (1.099–1.235) <0.001
T stage
T3–T4 vs Tis, T0–T2 1.514 (1.480–1.549) <0.001 1.375 (1.278–1.480) <0.001
N stage <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
N0 1.000 1.000 1.000
N1 1.424 (1.337–1.517) <0.001 1.259 (1.228–1.291) <0.001 1.364 (1.261–1.475) <0.001
N2 1.264 (1.168–1.368) <0.001 1.105 (1.072–1.139) <0.001 1.165 (1.061–1.280) 0.001
Distant metastasis
Yes vs no 0.804 (0.746–0.867) <0.001 0.769 (0.746–0.793 <0.001 0.783 (0.711–0.862) <0.001
Yes vs no 0.304 (0.286–0.323) <0.001 0.250 (0.244–0.256) <0.001 0.284 (0.265–0.305) <0.001
Radiotherapy <0.001
No 1.000
Yes 0.672 (0.565–0.799) <0.001
Unknown 0.725 (0.611–0.860) <0.001
Pathology grade <0.001 <0.001
Well differentiated 1.000 1.000 1.000
Moderately differentiated 1.120 (1.027–1.221) 0.010 1.139 (1.102–1.177) <0.001 1.309 (1.165–1.470) <0.001
Poorly differentiated 1.266 (1.139–1.407) <0.001 1.386 (1.333–1.441) <0.001 1.308 (1.142–1.499) <0.001
Undifferentiated 1.352 (1.104–1.655) 0.004 1.426 (1.335–1.524) <0.001 1.430 (1.094–1.869) 0.009
Unknown 0.851 (0.740–0.979) 0.024 0.902 (0.856–0.951) <0.001 1.037 (0.862–0.249) 0.699
Pathologic type
Mucinous carcinoma vs adenocarcinoma 0.699 (0.556–0.879) 0.002 0.695 (0.645–0.750) <0.001
Number of lymph nodes <0.001
≥12 vs <12 0.712 (0.674–0.752) <0.001 0.711 (0.697–0.725) <0.001 0.656 (0.616–0.699) <0.001
Tumor size (mm) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
≤40 1.000 1.000 1.000
40–70 1.076 (1.018–1.138) 0.010 1.002 (0.980–1.024) 0.868 0.963 (0.899–1.033) 0.292
≥70 0.845 (0.791–0.902) <0.001 0.819 (0.799–0.839) <0.001 0.775 (0.714–0.840) <0.001
Tumor site <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
RCC 1.000 1.000 1.000
LCC 0.672 (0.635–0.711) <0.001 0.507 (0.496–0.518) <0.001 0.536 (0.500–0.574) <0.001
Rectum 0.696 (0.647–0.748) <0.001 0.502 (0.489–0.516) <0.001 0.537 (0.497–0.581) <0.001

Abbreviations: LCC, left-sided colon cancer; OR, odds ratio; RCC, right-sided colon cancer.