(A–I) Confocal fluorescence images of embryos at the 4-fold stage (4F, (A–C), larvae 1 (L1, D–F) and adult hypodermis (G–I) in wild-type (WT, (A, D, G), rnst-2(qx245) (B, E, H) and rnst-2(bp555) (C, F, I) expressing NUC-1::CHERRY. (J–O) Confocal fluorescence images in sheath cells (J–L) and body wall muscle cells (M–O) in wild-type (J, M), rnst-2(qx245) (K, N) and rnst-2(bp555) (L, O) adults expressing LAAT-1::GFP driven by ced-1 (J–L) or myo-3 promoter (M–O). White arrowheads and arrows indicate globular and tubular lysosomes, and yellow arrowheads indicate enlarged lysosomes in rnst-2(qx245) and rnst-2(bp555). Scale bars: 5 µm. (P) Quantification of the volume of lysosomes labeled by NUC-1::CHERRY in 4-fold embryos (4F), L1 larvae (L1) and adult hypodermis (day 3 of adulthood). (Q) Quantification of the average volume of lysosomes labeled by NUC-1::CHERRY in wild type (WT) and rnst-2(qx245) at different stages. At least 10 worms were scored in each strain at each stage and data are shown as mean ± SEM. (R) Volume of lysotracker-stained- and LAAT-1::GFP-positive lysosomes was quantified in the adult hypodermis and compared. In (P, R), at least 10 worms were scored in each strain and data are shown as mean ± SD. Two-way ANOVA with the Bonferroni post hoc test (P) or one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test (R) was performed to compare mutant datasets with wild type. ***p<0.001, other points had p>0.05.