Figure 4.
Saccade reaction time and first saccade accuracy comparisons for Experiment 2 and 3 (limited eccentricities and polar angles–see Fig. 3A, inset). (A,B) Saccade reaction time histograms for all trials and all subjects ((A): unblended, Experiment 2, (B): blended, Experiment 3). Solid lines represent correct trials and dotted lines represent incorrect trials. Each color represents a different stimulus condition (see legend). Text inset with colored p-values shows the statistical comparisons for each color-coded condition between mean subject SRTs for Experiment 2 and mean subject SRTs for Experiment 3 using only the 17 subjects that only did one experiment (Wilcoxon ranksum test). (C,D) Accuracy of the first saccade for each condition as defined by whether or not the first saccade after stimulus onset landed within a 3° × 3° square surrounding the face. Text inset of colored p-values shows the statistical comparisons for each color-coded condition between Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 using only the 17 subjects that only did one experiment (Wilcoxon ranksum test). (E,F) Number of occurrences of each particular length of consecutive correct saccades for each condition (x-axis). Shaded areas represent the standard error of the subject mean at each location for each condition.