Quantity and quality of day-time sleep changes with changing pdfr expression levels in dopamine neurons. Sleep duration for every 30 min of an average LD12:12 cycle (A) when pdfr is downregulated and (B) when pdfr is overexpressed in dopaminergic neurons. A, Day-time sleep as well as night-time sleep is increased in TH GAL4 > UAS Pdfr RNAi; UAS dcr (n = 32 flies) as compared to TH GAL4/+ (n = 31 flies) and UAS PDFR RNAi/+; UAS dcr/+ (n = 29 flies) controls, whereas (B) day-time sleep is decreased but night-time sleep is increased in TH GAL4 > UAS Pdfr (n = 28 flies) as compared to TH GAL4/+ (n = 28 flies) and UAS Pdfr/+ (n = 30 flies) controls. C, Day-time sleep duration, (E) average sleep bout length, (G) average number of sleep bouts, and (I) latency to fall asleep after lights-ON for TH GAL4 > UAS Pdfr RNAi; UAS dcr flies compared to controls. D, Day-time sleep duration, (F) average sleep bout length, (H) average sleep bout number, and (J) latency to fall asleep after lights-ON for TH GAL4 > UAS Pdfr flies compared to controls. Asterisks indicate significance levels obtained from one-way ANOVA with genotype as factor followed by post hoc Tukey’s test. All other details are as in Figure 1. Results representative from four independent experiments. See also Extended Data Figure 3-1.