Figure 4.
Pharmacological blockade of CerS2 hampering phagosomal maturation. (A) Concentration of ceramides and sphingosine on LPs from RAW264.7 mouse macrophages following fumonisin treatment (LP-fumonisin, 5 μM, 4 h, 37 °C). As controls, EP and LP (LP-DMSO) were used. Data represent mean ± SEM for four biological replicates per group. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 for experimental groups (LP-fumonisin and LP-DMSO) versus EP group by Student’s t test. (B) Western blot analysis confirming a defect in phagosomal maturation following inhibition of CerS2. In each case for each group, 30 μg of lysate was loaded for all samples in this analysis, and actin was also used as a loading control. The Western blot analysis was performed in triplicate with reproducible results.