FIG 4.
Comparison of the fecal microbial community diversity between 14-day-old suckling piglets from CON- and SF-fed sows during pregnancy. (A to C) Comparison of the number of observed OTUs (A), Chao1 (B), and Shannon index (C) between 14-day-old suckling piglets from CON- and SF-fed sows during pregnancy. (D) Trajectory of the gut microbiota structure of sows across the reproductive cycle based on weighted-UniFrac distance. (E) Interindividual variations were determined by average weighted-UniFrac distances between individuals in CON and SF piglets, while intraindividual variations were determined by distance-paired CON and SF piglets. Data are presented as means ± SEM (n = 10). (A to D) Significant effect of treatment at a P value of <0.05; values with different lowercase letters are significantly different. PC2, principal-component analysis 2.