Figure 5. H3-Rtt109 interaction.
(A) Interactions with Rtt109 (green) involving H3 (magenta) residues surrounding Lys56. Involved residues are shown in a stick representation, and blue dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds. (B) Schematic drawing of H3-Rtt109 interactions. Thin dashed lines represent hydrogen bonds, while thick dashed lines indicate van der Waals contacts. Rtt109 residues interacting with H3 via mainchain groups only are shown with their sidechains labeled with “R”. (C) Interactions between H3 residues located on HFD helix α2 and AfRtt109. (D) A model of how Rtt109 may accommodate the acetylation of H3K56, H3K27 and H3K9, all of which belong to a consensus KS motif as indicated. Please note that Vps75 is also needed for H3K27 and H3K9 acetylation.