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. 2018;19(6):1533–1541. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.6.1533

Table 1.

Incidence, Completeness of Reporting and Accuracy of Diagnosis in Kerman Province, According to Sex and Primary Site, 2014

Quality & completeness of reporting Accuracy
Primary site ICD-O-3 crude rate ASR Kerman a ASR (World Population 2012) (62) DCO/I(%) M/I MV/I (%)
 All site C00-80 104.22 155.1 204.9 12.49 0.34 71.2
 Bladder C67 15.38 24.7 9.0 4.39 0.12 85.5
 Lung C34 9.44 14.6 34.2 32.14 0.74 47.9
 Leukemia C42 10.92 14.5 5.6 9.88 0.12 58.0
 Prostate C61 7.08 11.5 30.6 21.90 0.40 62.9
 Stomach C16 7.15 10.8 17.4 13.21 0.46 73.6
 Colorectum C18-20 6.34 10.0 20.6 5.32 0.27 75.5
 Larynx C32 5.26 8.7 3.9 5.13 0.24 70.5
 All site C00-80 88.76 118.9 165.2 8.74 0.27 76.6
 Breast C50 20.32 26.4 43.1 3.72 0.15 82.4
 Thyroid C73 8.37 9.2 6.1 0.00 0.02 100.0
 Leukemia C42 6.65 8.0 3.9 4.12 0.04 64.9
 Colorectum C18-20 5.14 7.7 14.3 4.00 0.15 70.7
 Stomach C16 3.7 5.4 7.5 22.22 0.43 66.7
 Lung C34 3.36 4.9 13.6 40.82 0.88 30.6
 Ovary C56 2.54 3.4 6.1 10.81 0.30 73.0

ICD-O-3, International Classification of Disease Oncology, 3rd Revision; DCO/I, proportion of cases with the death certificate only to incident cases; M/I, number of mortality/number of incidence; MV/I, proportion of microscopically verified cases to incident cases. a Per 100 000 population.