Rb1cc1 deletion inhibits the onset of brca1F/F; trp53F/F; K14-Cre (BPK) mammary tumors. (a) Tumor free survival curves of BPK mice with either Rb1cc1+/+ (n = 21), Rb1cc1F/+ (n = 48) or rb1cc1F/F (n = 58) alleles. (b) Tumor-free survival curves of BPK mice bearing only mammary tumors and not skin or other tumors, with either Rb1cc1+/+ (n = 13), Rb1cc1F/+ (n = 22) or rb1cc1F/F (n = 30) alleles. (c) Histological subtypes of mammary tumors from BPK mice. Scale bar: 200 μm. (d) Table and (e) pie charts showing distribution of histological subtypes for mammary tumors from BPK mice with either Rb1cc1+/+, Rb1cc1F/+ or rb1cc1F/F alleles. (f) Representative images for mammary tumor sections from BPK mice with either Rb1cc1+/+, Rb1cc1F/+ or rb1cc1F/F alleles that were immuno-stained for SQSTM1. Scale bar: 200 μm. (g) Tumor growth curves of BPK mice with either Rb1cc1+/+ (n = 6), Rb1cc1F/+ (n = 12) or rb1cc1F/F (n = 17) alleles.