Fig. 1.
Nanomolar concentrations of auxin reversibly inhibit root growth. (A). Schematics of auxin fluxes in the root tip during gravitropism. (B). The vRootChip device with flow channels and pressure valves are colored in green and red, respectively (left). The side view of the device positioned in the vertical microscope (middle) and a root growing in the channel (right). (C). A timelapse of a DII-Venus root treated with 10nM IAA; IAA medium contains a fluorescent tracer shown in magenta. (D). Quantification of root growth rate (GR) during addition of 10nM IAA, shown in magenta. Normalized to GR precedent to IAA addition, mean of 4 roots, +SD. (E). The dependence of the response growth rate on [IAA]ext. See D for “response GR”. Data points are means of N =3,8,9,3,16,7,16 roots for [IAA]ext =1,2,5,10,50,100,1000nM ±SD. Best fit (red): IC50=1.44nM, GRmin=0.13 (F). Quantification of a repetitive treatment of roots with 10nM IAA (magenta). Mean of 7 roots +SD.