Figure 2.
Fluorinated alcohols’ bilayer-perturbing effect as determined using the gramicidin-based fluorescence assay. (A) Normalized fluorescence time courses observed with fluorophore-loaded LUVs incubated with varying [HFIP] are shown, with and without added gramicidin. Average traces (red lines) and within-sample repeats (>7 per condition; gray dots) over 1 s are shown. (B) The relative changes in quench rate, at pH 7.0, for the fluoroalcohols (filled symbols) and their nonfluorinated counterparts (open symbols, from (12)) are shown. The dotted line represents no change, and the solid lines are fits of f([alc]) = 1 + [alc]/D to the results; the differently shaped symbols for each alcohol denote different days of experiments. To see this figure in color, go online.