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. 2018 Aug 15;9:1878. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01878

Table 2.

Selection of currently ongoing clinical trials evaluating CTLA4 or/and PD1/PD-L1 checkpoint blockade in combination with targeted therapy approaches for pancreatic cancer as indicated.

Combination strategy/target Compounds Entity Phase Trial ID
Oncogenic signaling Cobimetinib (MEK-inh.) + atezolizumab (PD-L1-Ab) Metastatic PDAC, progressed on chemotherapy Ib/II NCT03193190
TME: stroma Ulocuplumab (CXCR-4-ant.) + nivolumab (PD-1-Ab) Advanced/metastatic pancreatic cancer (next to SCLC) I/II NCT02472977 (terminated 03/2018 due to lack of effic. in short-term ph.)
BL-8040 (CXCR4-ant.) + pembrolizumab (PD-1-Ab) (Pretreated) metastatic pancreatic cancer II NCT02826486 and NCT02907099
BL-8040 (CXCR4-ant.) + atezolizumab (PD-L1-Ab) Metastatic PDAC, progressed on chemotherapy Ib/II NCT03193190
Olaptesed pegol (pegylated oligoribonucleotide, neutralizing CXCL12) ± pembrolizumab (PD-1-Ab) Metastatic pancreatic cancer (next to CRC) I/II NCT03168139
Defactinib (FAK-inh.) + pembrolizumab (PD-1-Ab) Advanced pancreatic cancer (next to NSCLC and mesothelioma) I/II NCT02758587
PEGPH20 (pegylated recombinant human hyaluronidase) + atezolizumab (PD-L1-Ab) Metastatic PDAC, progressed on chemotherapy I/II NCT03193190
PEGPH20 (see above) + avelumab (PD-L1-Ab) Chemotherapy resistant advanced pancreatic cancer I NCT03481920
Pembrolizumab (PD-1-Ab) ± paricalcitol (vitamin D analog) Maintenance of pretreated advanced pancreatic cancer in (partial) remission II NCT03331562
TME: myeloid RO7009789 (CD40 ago. Ab) + atezolizumab (PD-L1-Ab) Locally advanced/metastatic solid tumors I NCT02304393
Cabiralizumab (CSF1R-Ab) + nivolumab (PD-1-Ab) Advanced solid tumors I NCT02526017
AMG820 (CSF1R-Ab) + pembrolizumab (PD-1-Ab) Advanced pancreatic cancer (next to CRC and NSCLC) I/II NCT02713529
Pedixartinib (CSF1R-tyrosine kinase inh.) + durvalumab (PD-L1-Ab) Pretreated advanced/metastatic pancreatic cancer (next to CRC) I NCT02777710
Acalabrutinib (bruton tyrosine kinase inh.) + pembrolizumab (PD-1-Ab) Metastatic pancreatic cancer II NCT02362048
TME: metabolism Epacadostat (IDO1-inh.) + pembrolizumab (PD-1-Ab) Previously treated advanced pancreatic cancer (with chromosomal instability/HRRD) II-withdrawn NCT03432676

Ab, antibody; inh., inhibitor; ant., antagonist; ago., agonist; CRC, colorectal cancer; HRRD, homologous recombination repair deficiency; IDO1, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; SCLC, small cell lung cancer; TME, tumor microenvironment; PD-1, programmed cell death protein 1.