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. 2018 Aug 14;68(674):e646–e653. doi: 10.3399/bjgp18X698405
Line Action Speaker Excerpt
1 Announcement DOC: Which means that er you get given twelve free sessions at er
2 Weight Watchers which I think is in Citychester.
3 Is that something that you’d quite fancy doing?

4→ Marked positive stance PAT: Yes please.

5 Close DOC: Excellent.
6 Well we’ll pass you forward to do that.

DOC = doctor. PAT = patient. (Number) indicates gap in talk, seconds. (.) indicates gap in talk of <0.3 seconds. A full stop at end of turn represents falling intonation. Comma at end of turn indicates slight rise in intonation. ? indicates strong rise in intonation.= line of significance.