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. 2018 Apr 5;49(2):218–231. doi: 10.1044/2017_LSHSS-17-0045

Table 1.

Participant pool, study criteria, and participant overlap across studies.

Data available for the current analysis 2013–2014 Data collected for multiyear study 2010–2014
Children enrolled in target kindergartens, N = 213 Children enrolled in target kindergartens, N = 834
Children who returned a consent form, N = 172 Children who returned a consent form, N = 669
Children with TROLL and CCC-2 data, N = 98 Oetting et al. (2016), N = 106
Unmatched group with LI and TD group; hearing screen, DELV-NR syntax to determine clinical status; PTONI, GFTA-2, PPVT-4 free to vary Matched group with LI and TD group; hearing screen, DELV-NR syntax, PTONI, and GFTA-2 to determine clinical status; PPVT-4 free to vary
Children with TROLL and CCC-2; also in Oetting et al., N = 24               ↔ Children with TROLL and CCC-2; also in the study, N = 24
Children with TROLL and CCC-2; not in Oetting et al., N = 74 Children without TROLL and CCC-2, N = 10
Children with TROLL only (used as independent test sample), N = 72

Note. CCC-2 = Children's Communicative Checklist–Second Edition; DELV-NR = Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation–Norm Referenced; GFTA-2 = Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation–Second Edition; LI = language impairment; PTONI = Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence; PPVT-4 = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–Fourth Edition; TD = typically developing; TROLL = Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy.