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. 2018 Jun 18;47(10):1327–1335. doi: 10.1007/s00256-018-3006-5

Table 3.

Quality assessment of the studies included using the QUADAS-2 tool [8]

Study Risk of bias Applicability concerns
Patient selection Biopsy Flow and timing Patient selection Biopsy
Ahuja and Sharma [10] High Low Unclear Unclear Low
Terreaux et al. [11] High Low Unclear Unclear Low
Gras et al. [12] High Low Unclear Unclear Low
Kim et al. [13] High Low Unclear Unclear Low
Gasbarrini et al. [14] High Low Unclear Unclear Low
Lora-Tamayo et al. [15] High Low Unclear Unclear Low
De Lucas et al. [16] High Low Unclear Unclear Low
Friedman et al. [17] Low Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear

The following signaling questions were used to assess the risk of bias and applicability concerns (which were then scored as high risk, low risk, or unclear):

Risk of bias:

1. Patient selection. Did most patients with negative initial biopsy cultures undergo a repeat biopsy? Was it reported why patients were selected for repeat biopsy?

2. Biopsy. Could the conduct or interpretation of biopsy have introduced bias?

3. Flow and timing. Was MRI performed within 2 months before tissue biopsy? Was the repeat biopsy performed within 1 month of the initial biopsy and was no therapy administered between the initial and repeat biopsies?

Applicability concerns:

4. Patient selection. Were patients with a previous history of spondylodiscitis excluded? Were patients with positive blood cultures before biopsy excluded? Was MRI performed before biopsy and were the criteria for positivity reported? Which patients underwent a repeat biopsy after a negative initial biopsy?

5. Biopsy. Was fluoroscopic or CT guidance used? What needle size was used? How many biopsy samples were acquired?