Figure 7. Identifying and quantifying macrophages within a skeletal muscle cross-section.
A. Representative image of macrophage staining in human vastus lateralis: CD11b (green), CD206 (red) and cell nuclei/DAPI (blue). B. Display adjustment of the images in panel A showing enough tissue background staining to clearly identify macrophages from non-specific tissue staining. C. Macrophage count, demarcated with colored Xs: all CD11b+ (green Xs), all CD206+ (red Xs), CD11b+/CD206+ macrophages are marked with both a green and red X. White arrows indicate areas that appear to have positive staining and are near DAPI, but were not counted due to size and/or lack of distinct morphological features determinant of a cellular structure. Other areas were not counted due to a lack of DAPI staining (yellow arrows). Scale bars = 100 µm.