(Best viewed in color) (a) Bin-level attention weights (
) from AttentiveChrome averaged for all genes when predicting gene=ON and gene=OFF in GM12878 cell type. (b) Top: Cumulative Hactive signal across all active genes. Bottom: Plot of the bin-level attention weights (
). These weights are averaged for gene=ON predictions. Hprom weights are concentrated near the TSS and corresponds well with the Hactive indicating actual activity near the gene. This indicates that AttentiveChrome is focusing on the correct bin positions for this case (c) Heatmaps visualizing the HM-level weights (βj), with j ∈ {1, …, 5} for an important differentially regulated gene (PAX5) across three blood lineage cell types: H1-hESC (stem cell), GM12878 (blood cell), and K562 (leukemia cell). The trend of HM-level βj weights for PAX5 have been verified through biological literature.