(A) The percentage of animals scored with a Glp phenotype following hydroxyl urea (HU) treatment. The Glp phenotype was strictly defined as no mitotic cells and only sperm by DAPI staining. Standard deviation bars were calculated from three independent experiments. n.s., not statistically significant; *** p<0.001. (B and C) DAPI-stained adult hermaphrodite germlines. (D) Schematic of RNAi experiment. (E) The percentage of animals scored with a Glp phenotype by RNAi of cell cycle regulator genes in glp-1(bn18) and eri-1(mg366) mutant worms at 20°C. The dotted red box contains genes that encode the subunits of the DNA pol α-primase complex. (F-I) DAPI-stained adult hermaphrodite germlines. (*) distal end; yellow lines, mitotic cells; broken green lines, meiotic cells; broken pink circles, oocyte nuclei; broken blue lines, sperm; broken white lines, embryos; broken dark green line in G, arrested mitotic cells. Scale bars: 10 μm.