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. 2018 Jul 27;62(8):e00291-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00291-18


Characteristics of studiesa

Characteristic Result for:
Observational studies (no intervention) Studies of VAP prevention
Nonpolymyxin studies Topical polymyxin studies
Study characteristics
    Source Table S1 Table S2 Table S3 Table S4
    Total no. of studies 93 60 17 25
    No. of studies with origin from systematic reviewb 43 47 5 22
    No. of studies originating from North American ICUsc 25 15 2 3
    No. of studies with MV for >48 h for <90%d 6 1 1 4
    No. of studies originating from trauma ICUse 21 13 2 8
    No. of studies with bronchoscopic samplingf 57 25 6 6
    Study publication yr (range) 1986–2015 1987–2016 1975–2017 1987–2007
    Overall VAP prevention effect sizeg NA 0.74; 0.67–0.82 0.40; 0.31–0.52 0.35; 0.29–0.43
Group characteristics
    No. of patients per study group (median; IQR)h 290; 135–660 76; 60–149 84; 60–228 42; 31–74
VAP incidence per 100 patients (mean %; 95% CI) (no. of groups)
    Cohort 20; 18–22 (102) NA NA NA
    Control NA 21; 19–24 (60) 18; 11–30 (9) 33; 26–41 (24)
    Intervention NA 15; 13–18 (54) 10; 6–15 (15) 14; 11–18 (25)
PsVAP incidence per 100 patients (mean %; 95% CI) (no. of groups)
    Cohort 4.6i; 4.0–5.3 (102)
    Control 4.8j; 4.0–5.8 (60) 6.4k,l; 5.1–7.9 (9) 9.9l,m,n; 7.6–12.8 (24)
    Intervention 3.5o; 2.8–4.3 (54) 1.6k,p,q; 1.0–4.5 (15) 3.8m,n,p; 2.9–5.0 (25)

Note that several studies had more than one control and/or intervention group. Hence, the number of groups does not equal the number of studies. Abbreviations: NCC, nonconcurrent control; CC, concurrent control; NA, not applicable.


Studies that were sourced from 20 systematic reviews (references available in supplemental material).


Studies originating from an ICU in Canada or the United States.


Studies for which fewer than 90% of patients were reported to receive >48 h of MV.


A trauma ICU was arbitrarily defined as an ICU with >50% of admissions for trauma.


Bronchoscopic instead of tracheal sampling for VAP diagnosis.


See Fig. S1 and S2 in the supplemental material.


Data are the median and interquartile range (IQR).


This value is the PsVAP benchmark as derived in Fig. S3.


See Fig. S4.


See Fig. S6.


The incidences of PsVAP within control groups from CC and NCC design studies of topical polymyxin were statistically different (P = 0.049).


The incidence of PsVAP within CC control groups of studies of topical polymyxin in which observer blinding was achieved by using a topical placebo was 10.9% (7.0 to 16.0%; n = 11) compared to 8.9% (6.2 to 12.7%; n = 14) in those not using a topical placebo.


See Fig. S7.


See Fig. S5.


The incidences of PsVAP within intervention groups from CC and NCC design studies of topical polymyxin were statistically different (P = 0.017).


The incidence of PsVAP among intervention groups of NCC studies of topical polymyxin after exclusion of two pre-1980 North American studies (37, 39) was 1.6% (1.0 to 2.8%).