FIG 6 .
Identification of WetA regulatory element. (A) Diagram of the recognized region of the customized anti-WetA polyclonal antibodies. The recognized anti-WetA region overlaps part of the highly conserved Esc1/WetA-related domain near the WetA C-terminus. (B) Western blot analysis of the crude proteins of conidia from A. nidulans WT, ΔwetA, and TMY3 strains using anti-WetA and anti-FLAG polyclonal antibodies. The TMY3 strain expresses WetA::3xFLAG and can be recognized by both anti-WetA and anti-FLAG polyclonal antibodies. The results validated the specificity of the customized anti-WetA polyclonal antibodies. (C) The predicted WetA response element (WRE) and its WebLogo. (D) ChIP-qPCR analysis demonstrates the AniWetA DNA-associating capability of the upstream regions of AniwetA (AN1937), AN8643, AN0663, and AniacuF (AN1918). Data are presented as fold change compared with rabbit IgG-enriched DNA fragments. Data presented are means ± standard deviations (SD), n = 3.