Genetic interaction of PES1 with NRG1 on solid media. Serial dilutions of strains were spotted onto YP or Spider medium with 2% glucose or maltose as the carbon source, with or without DOX (5 µg/ml). Lane 1, wild-type SC5314; lane 2, PES1/pes1, JKC619; lane 3, pes1/pMAL2-PES1, JKC673; lane 4, NRG1/tetO-NRG1, SSY50-B; lane 5, NRG1/tetO-NRG1 PES1/pes1, JKC869; lane 6, NRG1/tetO-NRG1 PES1/pes1, JKC870; lane 7, NRG1/tetO-NRG1 pes1/pMAL2-PES1, JKC993; lane 8, NRG1/tetO-NRG1 pes1/pMAL2-PES1, JKC996. Plates were photographed after 3 days of incubation at 37°C (Spider) or 30°C (YP).