Table 1.
Main soil types with naturally high suitability for producing cocoa (Theobroma cacao) at low input level in Pará state, Brazilian Amazon
Soil type (Brazilian classification) | Soil type (World reference base classification) | Main characteristics | Approximate deforested area in Paráa |
Neossolos Fluvicos Eutroficos | Eutric Fluvisols | Soil formed from fluviatile sediments with a base saturation >50 % | About 51,000 ha, associated with waterlogged soils in the Amazon flood plain |
Nitossolos Vermelhos Eutroficos | Eutric Nitisols | Deep, well drained, red soils with >350 g kg−1 of clay and a base saturation >50 % | About 323,000 ha |
Argissolos Vermelhos and Vermelho-Amarelos Eutroficos | Eutric Acrisols | Soils whose clay content increases with depth with a base saturation >50 % | About 887,000 ha |
aIncluding other soil types of lesser importance with high suitability for cocoa in the same mapping unit