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. 2015 Aug 13;11(2):277–293. doi: 10.1007/s11625-015-0330-8

Table 1.

Main soil types with naturally high suitability for producing cocoa (Theobroma cacao) at low input level in Pará state, Brazilian Amazon

Soil type (Brazilian classification) Soil type (World reference base classification) Main characteristics Approximate deforested area in Paráa
Neossolos Fluvicos Eutroficos Eutric Fluvisols Soil formed from fluviatile sediments with a base saturation >50 % About 51,000 ha, associated with waterlogged soils in the Amazon flood plain
Nitossolos Vermelhos Eutroficos Eutric Nitisols Deep, well drained, red soils with >350 g kg−1 of clay and a base saturation >50 % About 323,000 ha
Argissolos Vermelhos and Vermelho-Amarelos Eutroficos Eutric Acrisols Soils whose clay content increases with depth with a base saturation >50 % About 887,000 ha

aIncluding other soil types of lesser importance with high suitability for cocoa in the same mapping unit