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. 2018 Aug 22;18:279. doi: 10.1186/s12887-018-1250-4

Table 3.

Framework for Infrastructural Strengthening

Site Infrastructural strengthening and purpose
Subcentre/PHC/CHC PDK containing dispersible pediatric amoxicillin tablets (250 mg) PLUS instruction card will be provided by the project. Ten doses of amoxicillin (for a maximum of 5 days) will be kept in transparent envelop with green sticker for children below between 1 and 12 months and  yellow sticker for children between 12 and 59 months. Each envelope will also have 4 tablets of paracetemol (500 mg). Within each envelope will have a small card with instructions for use of medicines on one side, and how to monitor a child with clinical pneumonia for improvement and deterioration on the other side will be kept. Instructions will be in Hindi.
APHC PMC to treat pneumonia with fast breathing and stabilize &refer pneumonia with lower chest in-drawing with hypoxia (pulse-oximetry< 92%) and severe pneumonia.
Project to provide: PDK, Pulse oximeter, spacer with baby mask, salbutamol inhaler.
State Government Supply: Earmark ONE existing bed as pediatric pneumonia bed, storage facility for drugs, equipment and patient records and common facilities like 24X7 doctor-nurse; Injectibles: ampicillin, gentamycin, ceftrioxone, corticosteroid; Oral: antipyretics, co-trimoxazole; oxygen, face mask, suction machine and mucus extractors, laryngoscope, endotracheal-tube, ambu-bag, thermometer, pediatric blood pressure instrument.
CHC PMU to treat pneumonia with fast breathing and lower chest in-drawing and admit pneumonia with hypoxia (pulse-oximetry< 92%) and severe pneumonia.
Project to provide: PDK, Pulse oximeter, spacer with baby mask, salbutamol inhaler.
State Government Supply: Earmark TWO existing beds as pediatric pneumonia beds, storage facility for drugs, equipment and patient records and common facilities like 24X7 doctor-nurse; Injectibles: ampicillin, gentamycin, ceftrioxone, corticosteroid and vasopressors (dopamine), calcium, potassium, intravenous fluids like dextrose saline, Ringer Lactate; oral: antipyretics, co-trimoxazole; bronchodilators; oxygen, face mask,suction machine and mucus extractors, laryngoscope, endotracheal-tube, ambu-bag, thermometer, pediatric blood pressure instrument, nebulizer with nebulizer solutions of salbutamol, epinephrine and steroid, intravenous cannula, venous cut-open set, heater/warm air blowers for winter months.

Abbreviations APHC Additional Primary Health Centre, PHC Primary Health Centre, CHC Community Health Center, PDK Pneumonia Drug Kit, PMC Pneumonia Management Corner, PMU Pneumonia Management Unit