Fig. 2. Hybrid graphene metasurface allows for electrically tunable resonant absorption.
a Schematic of the hybrid graphene metasurface. Inset: high-frequency equivalent circuit model. b SEM image showing the fabricated gold nanoantenna array. Inset: zoom-in view. Px = Py = 1 μm, L = 400 nm, w = 100 nm, and g = 40 nm. c Measured reflection spectra when applying different gate voltages Vg. d Change of reflection ΔR(λ) = R+7 V(λ) − R−3 V(λ) (red curve) and modulation depth M(λ) = |ΔR(λ)|/max[R+7 V(λ);R−3 V(λ)] (cyan curve) for two gate voltages of Vg = +7 V and −3 V as functions of wavelength λ