Fig. 6. Excision of a “pseudo tumor” marker by a biopsy clip in the breast of a female human cadaver using the fiber optoacoustic guide and the tablet-AR system.
a Ultrasound image that confirms the implantation of the guide wire and biopsy clip in the tissue. The FOG tip (red circle) is close to the implanted biopsy clip (green circle). b Setup of the system in the excision experiment. c Visualization of the FOG tip in the breast tissue (green dot) and the real-time distance of the scalpel tip to the FOG tip on the AR display. d Protocol of the excision of the “pseudo tumor” in the experiments. e Photo of the board-certified breast cancer surgeon using the system to excise the tumor. f Photo of the excised “pseudo tumor”. g Photo of the cut-open excised tissue, in which the implanted biopsy clip and the FOG tip are inside, which represents a successful excision of the “pseudo tumor”. The green arrow shows the FOG tip, and the red arrow shows the biopsy clip