Fig. 4. High-contrast submicron image resolution.
a, b CARS images of 5-µm diameter polystyrene beads deposited onto a glass coverslip with two different FoVs: 155 µm (a) and 25 µm (b) corresponding to 7.5 V and 1.5 V pk-pk driving voltages, respectively. Note the vanishing background between the beads; powers: 10 mW (pump) and 5 mW (Stokes); excitation wavelengths: 800 nm (pump) and 1040 nm (Stokes). c Lateral (x,y) and axial (x,z) TPEF images (forward detected) of 200-nm-diameter fluorescent nanoparticles (excitation: 800 nm, 10 mW; detection: 500–600 nm). The nanoparticle highlighted in the red rectangle is used to obtain the image cross-cuts (d, e), which are used to deduce the lateral and axial two-photon PSFs. The values shown on the graph indicate the full width at half maximum (FWHM)