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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Aug 23.
Published in final edited form as: Jacobs J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2016 Nov 21;2(2):016.

Appendix Table A.

Item Factor Loadings for the Social Competence Scale

Time 1 Time 2

1-factor model 2-factor model 1-factor model 2-factor model

Emotion Regulation Subscale
Can accept things not going his/her way(1) .428 .449 .527 .490
Copes well with failure (1) .310 .305 .665 .662
Thinks before acting .554 .595 .564 .568
Can calm down by himself/herself when excited or “all wound up” .490 .480 .584 .603
Does what he/she is told to do .606 .615 .633 .642
Controls his/her temper when there is a disagreement .563 .613 .672 .679
Prosocial/Communication Scale
Works out problems with friends or brothers and sisters on his/her own .456 .484 .500 .503
Is very good at understanding other people’s feelings (2) .563 .587 .470 .489
Shares things with others (4) .693 .715 .744 .685
Is helpful to others (3)(4) .602 .540 .800 .740
Listens to others’ points of view (3) .575 .530 .649 .661
Can give suggestions and opinions without being bossy (2) .485 .469 .591 .574

Confirmatory Factor Analysis Model Fit 1-factor model: 1-factor model:
χ2 (50)= 56.698, χ2 (50) = 84.196,
p=.239, CFI=.984, p<.001, CFI=.928,
RMSEA=.029; RMSEA=.081;
2-factor model: 2-factor model:
χ2 (49) = 52.65, χ2 (49)= 84.18,
CFI=.99, CFI=.93,

Note. In both factor models, we allowed some items to be correlated (based on modification indices in MPLUS) to have adequate fit. Numbers (1) (2) (3) and (4) indicate item-pairs that we allowed to be correlated (e.g., we allowed “Can accept things not going his/her way (1)” to be related to “Copes well with failure (1)”).