Figure 2.
Possible sites of binocular modulation in the primary visual pathway. 1) The outputs of the two eyes arrive in segregated eye-specific (green/blue) layers in the LGN, but some anatomical connections can bridge between them (top). 2) The projections of LGN neurons to primary visual cortex are also largely segregated by eye along the tangential dimension, terminating in eye-specific ocular dominance columns (green/blue). However, some of these LGN projections appear to form synapses outside their respective ocular dominance columns. 3) Projections from layer 4 neurons to other neurons within primary visual cortex are not bound to the boundaries of the ocular dominance columns. 4) Connections within the LGN or visual cortex as well as corticogeniculate feedback could provide a structural substrate for binocular modulation. Adopted from (Blasdel & Lund, 1983; Conley et al., 1985; Fitzpatrick, Lund, & Blasdel, 1985; Katz, Gilbert, & Wiesel, 1989).