Figure 3.
Comparison of plant microbiomes. (A) Weighted Unifrac distances for the Marchantia microbiomes were tested in this work. Diversity reduction in wild M. polymorpha (mpolyfl) showed a larger distance to its soil source when compared to M. paleacea (mpalafl). (B) Constrained analysis of principal coordinates (CAP) using weighted Unifrac distances with 9,999 permutational multivariate ANOVA showed significant (p > 1e-04) differences between in vitro, soil, and M. polymorpha microbial communities. (C) CAP of comparative literature plant-associated microbiomes using Bray-Curtis dissimilarities showed significant differences (p > 0.001) between microbial communities of different host plant species. Larger differences were found in Pinus, rice, and Marchantia species of this work.