DTI values in regions of known histologic abnormality. Based on histologic observations following mCCI made by Schwerin et al. (2018), ROIs were placed on the ex vivo template (A) and used to extract FA and Trace values in the cortex (CTX), subcortical white matter (SC WM) and internal capsule (IC) corresponding to regions defined in the histologic study. Regional DTI values from the side of injury (triangular points) and those from the contralateral side (circular points) are plotted (B) for each time interval after CCI with lines connecting ipsilateral and contralateral values from individual samples and the results of two-way ANOVA with factors of side and time after CCI are given with asterisk to indicate significance levels (∗p < 0.05 and ∗∗p < 0.01). Fluorescent images of immunohistochemistry stained sections from ipsilateral CTX, SC WM, and IC regions of brains from different times after injury are shown for GFAP staining of astrocytes (C) and Iba-1 staining of microglia (D). The brain specimens for each time point that were used for histology are indicated by red lines in B and the white scale bar indicates 50 microns.