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. 2018 May;53(5):442–451. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-302-16

Table 7.

Regression Analyses Performed Using Predictor Variables to Explain the Variance in Return-to-Play Timing

R2 Value
P Value
ΔR2 Value
P Value
Return to play 3-mo variable
 1 LSI: isometric extension 0.203a .01 0.203a .01
 2 LSI: isometric flexion 0.249a .02 0.047 .19
Return to play 6-mo variable
 1 Pediatric International Knee Documentation Committee self-reported questionnaire score 0.292a .004 0.292a .004
 2 LSI: isokinetic extension at 60°/s 0.394a .003 0.102 .06
 3 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Return to Sport After Injury score 0.429a .006 0.036 .25
 4 LSI: isometric extension 0.546a .002 0.117a .03

Abbreviation: LSI, Limb Symmetry Index.


Indicates difference (P ≤ .05).