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. 2018 Aug 22;10(3):344–351. doi: 10.4055/cios.2018.10.3.344

Table 1. Previous Surgical History for the Population That Underwent Shoulder Arthroplasty for Infection.

Patient Sex Age (yr) Surgery before infection Surgery for infection Culture Clinical detail
1 Male 61.93 2 4 Staphylococcus epidermidis Two failed open cuff repairs with infection treated with Keflex before presentation; four I&Ds
2 Female 74.91 0 2 MSSA Multifocal septic native arthritis, one shoulder I&D
3 Male 52.68 1 3 Staphylococcus epidermidis One open rotator cuff repair, developed sinus tract 5 years later, two I&Ds before presentation
4 Female 64.78 5 1 CNS, Propionibacterium acnes Five attempted cuff repairs with symptom recurrence before presentation (three scope, two open); one I&D
5 Male 76.85 3 1 Unknown (OSH) Rotator cuff surgery three times before presentation; one I&D
6 Male 52.06 1 2 CNS, Propionibacterium acnes Failed open cuff repair before presentation; two I&Ds
7 Female 70.83 5 2 CNS Distal clavicle excision with frozen shoulder, four MUA and pain pump placed, infected and washed out before presentation
8 Female 79.88 1 2 Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Escherichia coli One scope cuff repair, infected and open I&D before presentation
9 Male 57.78 0 4 MRSA Two injections, septic arthritis with septic emboli to brain and endocarditis, three I&Ds before presentation
10 Female 69.25 1 4 CNS, Propionibacterium acnes One cuff repair and capsular release, two I&Ds for infection before presentation; one antibiotic spacer before 2-stage
11 Male 47.75 2 1 Staphylococcus epidermidis Two scope labral repairs before presentation; rapidly progressive glenohumeral arthrosis
12 Male 80.98 0 4 MRSA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nonoperative proximal humerus malunion, three injections; went for delayed RSA, but I&D instead
13 Female 77.19 0 2 MSSA One injection for cuff tear arthropathy and plan for RSA, clinically infected intraoperatively, spacer placed
14 Female 65.13 2 1 CNS Failed proximal humerus plate and revised to intramedullary nail, failed before presentation
15 Male 81.29 0 1 Escherichia coli One injection, worsened and had scope I&D before presentation
16 Male 52.52 2 2 Unknown (OSH) Two failed rotator cuff repairs, purulent drainage with I&D before presentation
17 Male 46.19 1 2 Enterobacter agglomerans Failed proximal humerus plate with collapse and septic arthritis

I&D: irrigation and debridement, MSSA: methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, CNS: coagulase-negative Staphylococcus aureus, OSH: outside hospital, MUA: manipulation under anesthesia, MRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, RSA: reverse shoulder arthroplasty.