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. 2018 Apr 28;32:34. doi: 10.14196/mjiri.32.34

Table 1. Mean, standard deviation of baseline characteristics among two intervention and placebo groups before intervention .

Variable Category Group p
Vitamin D
Age (Y) - 50.36 (10.2) 5.05 (10.7) 0.892*
Weight (kg) - 77.38 (10.9) 79.27 (11.6) 0.442*
Height (cm) - 159.35 (8.0) 158.77 (7.6) 0.736*
BMI - 30.43 (3.2) 31.37 (3.4) 0.194*
Disease period (months) - 65.52 (38.5) 67.02 (35.4) 0.664*
Medication & daily dose Metformin (500 mg) 2.11 (1.13) 2.51 (1.26) 0.135*
Glibenclamide (5mg) 1.31 (0.94) 0.95 (0.78)
Sex Male 7.00 (16.7) 8.00 (18.6) 0.815**
Female 35.00 (83.3) 35.00 (81.4)
employment Unemployed 32.00 (76.2) 32.00 (74.4) 0.850**
Employed 10.00 (23.8) 11.00 (25.6)

Y: Year, kg: Kilo gram, cm: centimeter, BMI: Body Mass Index, mg: milligram, * Independent t-test, **Chi-squaretest