Figure 2.
Dot plot of age for men with and without LOY in schizophrenia.
Notes: The red line represents 53 years of age. Significant differences in age were observed between patients with schizophrenia exhibiting LOY and those without LOY (median age: 68.0 years, IQR [66.0–76.0] years vs median age: 58.0 years, IQR [48.0–67.0] years) (P<0.001). When the analysis was limited to patients over age 53, there was no significant difference between patients with and without LOY (median age: 68.0 years, IQR [66.0–76.0] years vs median age: 65.0 years, IQR [60.0–72.0] years) (P=0.077). aP-values between patients with and without LOY were calculated using Mann–Whitney U-tests.
Abbreviations: LOY, loss of chromosome Y; SCZ, schizophrenia; IQR, inter-quartile range.