Fraction of drugs with anticommensal activity for all indication areas of the ATC classification scheme with a high fraction of active compounds. Shown are indication areas that contain at least two active compounds and a fraction of at least 50% active compounds, their parent terms and all top-level indication areas. Significance (p-value, one-sided Fischer’s exact test) is indicated by the bar color and corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (Benjamini-Hochberg) independently at each hierarchy level of the ATC. Many smaller classes, including PPIs (A02BC), non-selective calcium channel blockers (C08E), synthetic estrogens (G03CB), leukotriene receptor antagonists (R03DC) and phenothiazine and other antihistamines (R06AD & R06AX) are enriched, but due to multiple testing and small numbers of drugs tested in each group, they do not reach a significant p-value.