A. Schematic representation of mTOR signaling pathway.
B. Protein lysate prepared from the head region of control and caA3 mut embryos (E10.5) were subjected for Western blot analyses to quantify levels of mTOR signaling components.
C. Levels of phosphorylation of each signaling component normalized by total proteins were quantified. Fold increases of caA3 mutants compared with controls are shown. n=3. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01.
D. mTOR signaling levels were examined using a phospho-S6 antibody on frontal sections of cranial regions of E10.5 embryos. Nuclear DNA was stained with DAPI (blue). LNP, lateral nasal process, MNP, medial nasal process, NT, neural tube, *, presumptive choroid plexus. Approximate positions of each section are also shown (a, b, nasal level, c, d, before eye level). Bar = 100 μm.