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. 2018 Jul 30;126(7):077011. doi: 10.1289/EHP3389

Table 2.

Number of bicycle and pedestrian counts by peak period and location type.

MSAs Bicycle Pedestrian
AM Seg. PM Seg. AM Int. PM Int. AM Seg. PM Seg. AM Int. PM Int.
Blacksburg, VA 101 101 72 72
Boston, MA 36 37 5 6 8 9 5 3
Champaign-Urbana, IL 255 255 66 66 121 121
Cleveland, OH 82 81
Columbus, OH 208 7 208 7
Denver, CO 47 73
Hartford, CT 1 11 3 60 1 11 3 60
Lawrence, KS 98 98
Los Angeles, CA 514 424 462 461
Madison, WI 73 73 91 144 73 73
Manhattan, KS 112 112
Minneapolis, MN 950 950
New York City, NY 1,022 1,022
Philadelphia, PA 192 192 162 165
Portland, OR 55 36 55 36
San Francisco, CA 1,084 305 2 78
Seattle, WA 16 5 254 249 16 5 256 249
St. Louis, MO 140 236
Tucson, AZ 4 4 1,054 1,052 3 3 1,064 1,065
Washington, DC 54 54 10 10 10 10
Total 1,454 3,425 1,999 2,714 1,565 2,546 1,466 1,970

Note: Data were derived from raw traffic count data obtained from each jurisdiction or from the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project (NBPDP) during 1999–2016. Only traffic counts in fall (August to November) and weekday peak periods were included. AM Int., morning count at intersections; AM Seg., morning count at street segment; PM Int., afternoon count at street intersection; PM Seg., afternoon count at street segment; —, data not collected.