Figure 4.
NATxME inhibits neutrophil recruitment in zebrafish. (A) Diagram of acute inflammation assay. At 3 dpf zebrafish larvae were pre-treated for 2 h with DMSO, ibuprofen or NATxME. Wounding was performed in tail fins by transection with a scapel, and larvae were incubated again in the presence of drugs. Neutrophils at the site of injury were imaged and counted 4 h post transection. (B) Representative pictures used for quantification, corresponding to DMSO, 20 µM ibuprofen and 4 µM NATxME. Dotted rectangles indicate the wounded region of interest (ROI) where neutrophils were counted. (C) Quantification of neutrophil recruitment to wounded fins at 4 h under different treatments. Larvae number were: DMSO40, 20 µM ibuprofen17, 1 µM NATxME33, 2.5 µM NATxME32, 4 µM NATxME17. Statistical analysis: one-way ANOVA Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test, * = 0.0164; **** < 0.0001.