Fig. 4.
A view composition highlighting the results from Schwarzer et al. [33] with data from WT (left), and mutant (ΔNipbl, right) samples. The top two views are linked to each other by zoom and location such that they always display the same region at the same resolution. Comparing the control (left) and mutant (right) condition at this zoom level reveals the bleaching of TADs in the gene-poor region in the lower right hand part of the maps. The bottom two views, also linked to each other by zoom and location, show a zoomed in perspective where a more fragmented compartmentalization of the ΔNipbl mutant (right) compared to WT (left) can be seen. The black rectangles in the top views, which are referred to as viewport projections in HiGlass, show the positions and extent of the bottom views (Additional file 1: Figure S5). The white lines in the bottom left panel are a result of bins filtered during matrix balancing. An interactive version of this figure is available at