Fig. 7.
Hemorrhage byproducts and calcific/osseous deposits. a Hemosiderin pigment in neo-synovium (H&E × 100), hemosiderin deposits positive for PBR in inset (PBR × 100). b1 Gamna-Gandy bodies in failed MoP THA with hemorrhage secondary to multiple dislocations (× 400), b2 positivity to PBR reaction, PBR stain in inset (× 400). c Formalin pigment artifact, negative for PBR reaction (PBR stain × 100) and with typical birefringence of the granules of formalin pigment under polarized light in inset (× 200). d Lime (dystrophic calcification) in periprosthetic neo-synovium of a case of hip implant failure (H&E × 200). e Neo-synovium of a failed MoP THA implant for aseptic loosening/osteolysis with abundant osseous detritus embedded in the superficial layer (H&E × 100)