Fig. 7.
Comparison of GUS expression afforded by pEAQ-GSN versus pSPECIAL + pNEEDS vectors. Agrobacteria strain AGL1 harbouring pEAQ‐GSN or pSPECIAL and pNEEDS were infiltrated into N. benthamiana. Leaves were sampled 4 dpi and GUS levels measured by a fluorometric MUG enzyme assays, b ELISA and c SDS‐PAGE. M = Novex® Sharp Pre‐stained Protein Standard; 1 = pBIN‐Plus in MMA; 2 = pEAQ‐GSN in MMA; 3 = pSPECIAL + pNEEDS in MMA‐LP with heat shock (2 dpi); 4 = Purified GUS standard (0.3 μg) (GUS Type VII‐A; Sigma‐Aldrich G7646). Columns in a represent relative levels of mean GUS enzyme activitiy (μmol 4-MU/mg protein/min) and bars represent ± SE. (*) indicates a significant difference (p < 0.05). Columns in b represent mean GUS concentrations and bars represent ± SE